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Writer's pictureLoren from Nuova Luna

10 of My Most-Used Witchcraft Tools and Ingredients

We are all different and all of our witchcraft practices are different. We all have our favorite magical items. Here are my most-used and MUST-HAVE witchcraft ingredients and tools. Even though I believe a witch doesn’t NEED anything, if I had to advise you all on what items you should have, it would be these.

1. Rosemary

If I had to pick one ingredient to use in my magick for the rest of my life, I would choose the herb rosemary. I grow it in my garden. It is hardy and easy to grow. Not only that, it is one of those witchcraft tools that is incredibly versatile. I harvest it, make it into smudge bundles, and use the smudge bundles to cleanse my space. I cook with it. I even clip it and carry it around, whiffing it randomly for mental clarity and peace of mind. I don’t think I could live without rosemary.

2. Novena & Chime Candles

Witches and non-witches love candles. Not only do they create a warm ambiance in any space, they can be used for multiple magical purposes. My favourite and most-used candles are novena and chime candles. Novena candles are the tall, round candles you can find at the dollar store. Often these candles have pictures of saints plastered to them, but I typically choose plain white or colour novena candles. You can use novena candles to honor your ancestors and gods, and also use them in spells. Chime candles are my favourite for ALL candle spells and rituals. They are small, cheap, come in multiple colors, and burn down fast.

3. Jewellery

Jewellery is a must-have for any witch worth her salt. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and anklets all become magical talismans and amulets when cleansed and charged with purpose. My favourite witchy jewellery pieces include a clear quartz necklace, get’s mixed up sometimes with blue goldstone. You can even charge body jewellery with magical intent. Magical jewellery becomes a part of the witch and takes on its own personality. It’s a must-have witchcraft tool.

4. Incense

Another of my most used witchcraft tools is incense. I prefer stick incense, but you can make your own loose incense and burn on charcoal disks. OR there’s also cone incense. I burn incense during meditation and ritual to set a mood and help alter my state of consciousness. I also burn incense daily as an offering to my ancestors. You can purchase incense in the dollar store, or even in my shop! It is cheap and a must-have.

5. Bags & Sachets

Muslin bags are super useful when you want to take an herbal bath without having to clean up the remnants. Just put the bag of herbs in the hot water and let it steep like a cup of tea. You can use muslin bags and sachets as spell bags. I have friends that have a sachet of wormwood in their car for protection, and a bag of herbs under their pillow for dreaming. Get yourself some muslin bags and sachets. The uses are endless.

6. Obsidian

I don’t know if it’s because I love the colour black, but one of my favourite stones is obsidian by far. I have a obsidian palm stone sitting on my bookshelf that I use often when I want to ground myself. Obsidian is connected to the root chakra, and is great for grounding, increasing intuition, divination, and (IMO) sexual energy. Plus…it’s just pretty.

7. Tea Infuser

One of my most-used witchcraft tools is my tea infuser. These little babies give you the ability to brew a cup or two of loose leaf tea and then easily strain the herbs out when you’re ready to drink it. Tea magic is a big part of my practice – it’s one of those simple daily practices I couldn’t live without. I drink tea for magical purposes like increasing my dreams and I drink tea for medicinal purposes like curing the common cold. I couldn’t live without my tea infuser. For real.

8. Offering Bowls

Well, you can guess what these are used for – offerings to the ancestors and gods. The offering bowl can be used for herbal offerings to your ancestors. Offerings to the ancestors and gods are a huge part of any witch’s practice, as I believe we develop relationships with our ancestors by showing appreciation in the form of offerings. Offering bowls are great to every pagan and witch who works with spirits of any kind. I’m not up to this level yet. #babywitch

9. Journal

To be fully honest, I’m tired of trying to figure out what I should call it. Book of Shadows? Grimoire? Screw it. It’s a journal. My spiritual journal contains everything from diary-type entries to dreams and spells. I write in it often and enjoy chronicling my spiritual journey and practice. A composition book or spiral notebook works just as well as a fancy journal or scrapbook.

10. Tarot/Oracle Cards

Ok, so I am no expert here but I do practice using these almost daily. I use them as apart of my meditation. Helps ground me and clear my head and understand what my intentions are. I have books, and books about tarot and divination on my bookshelf that I am constantly referring to. I think it also helps you connect to the spirit world as well. Which, personally is a huge deal for me.

There you have it! What tools can't you live without?

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