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Writer's pictureLoren from Nuova Luna

2018 Reflection

Tuesday. My least favourite day of the week, so far from Friday and can’t even celebrate hump-day yet. Nonetheless, another day to live and breathe on this earth, and for that I am grateful.

If you’ve followed me off Instagram and onto this page, thank you. This post as mentioned on Instagram is a reflection on my 2018. I’m going to keep it short and sweet.

I don’t know about you, but there is something about lists that I love. I am going to write the top 5 things I am so proud of achieving in 2018 and 5 things that I feel that I could have done differently, and why! Ya’ll ready? Let’s go.

Top 5 moments:

1. First and foremost, NUOVA LUNA is my biggest, and most proudest achievement for 2018. I have only been operating for a short 7 months but I have grown so much within that time. I have met some AMAZING people on Instagram, people I seriously consider my friends now. I have built connections with people from all around Australia and Internationally as well, a concept so foreign to me. Nuova Luna was a dream that I had for a long while, and decided on a whim to just go for it last April. I won’t ever look back now.

2. Finding the courage to acknowledge that my full-time role was no longer serving me anymore and taking the initiative to step out of my comfort zone and find employment elsewhere. Now, although my ultimate dream is to run Nuova Luna full-time, I need to pay my bills somehow, and I think I have found a place I can stay at for a long while that will keep me happy mentally, and emotionally. (ps. Today is day 2 at that new job, eek)

3. I found a beautiful soul that allowed me to connect with my now passed dad on a spiritual level. Whether you believe in this or not, anyone who has experienced a significant loss in their life understands the longing to connect with that person again to fill a type of void that is so deep it hurts your soul. This lady, leanne is her name (details for where to find her here) is so sincere and helped me understand a few things, and speak to my dad again through her. A connection I felt I had lost.

4. I lost 10kg. Then I put 5 back on. Haha! I know this is a weird one, but hear me out. Last year was a rollercoaster of a ride mentally for me. I thought I was strong, when I wasn’t. I started the year off so well and I lost 10kg, then everything was thrown under the bus when I had to move back home, and I was getting stressed out at work. Come mid-year, I was literally like, GIVE ME ALL THE FOOD. I am a huge emotional eater, I eat because I feel everything. Therefore I put 5kg back on. The proud moment here though, is that I lost the 10kg. Knowing that I did that before, and knowing where my head space is this year lets me know that “Yes! You can do this” And that’s spectacular.

5. I connected with myself. I found what I need and want to do in life that is going to fulfil me and make my soul happy. I started reading and learning again, and absorbing anything I could to fuel this hidden side.

Bonus number 6. I watched some beautiful people get married, others bringing life into the world, some take on new and challenging roles, and some pick up and leave the country to accomplish their dreams. I was so proud of my friends last year.

Not so top moments:

1. I lost a few friends. But that’s totally ok. In hindsight, we’re all better off. Those people weren’t serving me with what I needed from life, and that’s totally ok. I am sure in some way we were all holding each other back, and I can’t speak for those people but I am sure we’re all happier now anyway.

2. I lost control of a lot within my life, especially my home life. I let finances go out the window, I let so much fall apart around me. This led to me having to move back home and squeeze 8 years of independence with my husband back into a storage unit and a little bedroom. Positive things have come out of this though, back on track with finances and we culled all the excess that we didn’t need from our house. Which by the way, was so hard to do but so rewarding.

Right, so I am up to number 3 and I honestly can’t even think of anything else that sucked for me! This is a feeling I am not familiar with, let’s be honest. I even asked my husband for help, I asked “hey, so, what sucked last year for you..” I just got a blank face and then he changed to his ‘concentration face’ haha and then he said, “actually, it was a good year”.

Phew! Got through all of that. Reading back over everything, my husband is right I actually had a really good 2018, and it has been significantly better than any other year thus far. Wow! How great is hindsight huh.

I am going to acknowledge that I know not everyone had a good year last year, you may have experienced one of the worst years of your life. I am here to tell you, that it’s ok. I have been there. Hear me out though, whatever bad shit happened to you last year, let it make you stronger, don’t let it break you down. Whatever goals you’ve set for yourself to conquer in 2019, is going to get achieved. Because YOU deserve it.

New year. Same you. Just a different version.


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