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Writer's pictureLoren from Nuova Luna

Conscious Crystals: The Ethics Behind Gems and Stones

Conscious Crystals: The Ethics Behind Gems and Stones

In ancient Egypt, they used crystal pigmented cosmetics which they believed bought them strength and protection. In China, they used crystal-tipped acupuncture needles to facilitate healing, and in Greece, the soldiers would rub Hematite on their bodies before a battle to enhance their strength.

Even today, we are drawn to crystals not just because they sparkle, but because on a deeper level, our bodies resonate with their structure. Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, crystals activate us, heal us, and help to heighten our energetic field.

But like some things in life, there is a dark side to the world of crystals, which relates to how they are mined and sourced, and the potentially damaging effect it can have on the environment and to the miners themselves.

When we walk into our local crystal store, most of us don’t stop to think about where all the crystals have come from and whether they have been fairly traded or ethically mined. Crystals are energetic and have the ability to hold and store information from the world around them, making it even more important to ensure that they are harvested and collected consciously.

As Colleen writes in Crystal Rx, “you want ethically sourced stones, and those with the most positive, clean, clear, energies possible. Knowing the lineage of a crystal is a lot like knowing were your meat or your eggs come from. Free-range and farm-to-table, right?” In order to do this, Colleen suggests speaking with the owner of the crystal store you are visiting and talking to them about where they source their stones.

While ethically sourced stones are definitely the way to go, when we start thinking about crystals and the fact that they are being dug up from Mother Earth, it can be natural to wonder if it’s right to do this at all. When we think of a crystal, we don’t necessarily think of it as a living thing, however those who have worked extensively with crystals know that they carry their own level of own intelligence, almost like they have their own personality.

As Colleen shares, “crystals are structured in such a way that they respond to the different energies around them by oscillating and emitting specific vibratory frequencies.” It seems that crystals have the ability to interact with our world and our DNA more than we realize and while there is more information on this shared in Crystal Rx, it seems that crystals want to be a part of helping to facilitate the healing of humankind.

On a personal level though, I feel digging up crystals is the same as digging up vegetables or cutting flowers. They are precious resources given to us by Mother Earth and as long as we harvest them consciously and have respect for where they have come from, they are there to be used and enjoyed by us. Just like vegetables provide our physical body with nutrition and healing when we eat them, crystals provides us with spiritual nutrition and healing when we interact with them.

This interaction can include everything from laying the crystals on your body, to drinking them, holding them, meditating in front of them, or wearing them. Crystals have been found because they want to be found, and as long as we treat them with respect and choose to support conscious businesses that sell ethically sourced gems and stones, we can feel good about working with them.

It is also important to remember that even though we may purchase a crystal, they are truly the property of Mother Earth and once we have finished working with their energy, it is part of our duty to return them to the earth or pass them along so they can heal and help others. Crystals hold a wisdom and powerful healing properties that can be unlocked when we interact with them, look after them, and treat them with respect.

If you want to explore the crystal kingdom further and learn how to use crystals consciously and as powerful tools of healing, I highly recommend Colleen’s book Crystal Rx as your guide. It contains all you need to know about working with crystals, as well as some DIY rituals and healing techniques.

*Some info above taken from Mumbles&Things*

3 Powerful Crystals Everyone Needs In Their Tool Kit

When you find the right crystal working with it can be like magic. When you don’t find the right crystal, working with it can be like working with a cold, hard rock. Crystals are vibrational and in order for them to be most effective for your healing, spiritual development or whatever else you are using them for, you have to vibe and jive with them.

If you have been struggling to get into crystals it may simply be that you just have not met the right one yet. If that is the case, keep looking, because you are bound to find the perfect one eventually!

Here are some tips to help you find the right crystal-

Before you walk into a crystal store, or buy online, set your intention and then use your “gut instinct” to direct you to the perfect crystal.

  • Research what crystals may be good for your needs and then purchase those.

  • Choose your crystal colour in accordance to the chakra that you want to work on (check my Chakra blogs)

  • Ask a friend or store owner to pick a crystal for you.

  • Walk into the crystal shop and purchase the first thing that you see or that catches your attention.

  • Pick a crystal, hold it in your hand and see how you feel when as you hold it. If you feel something, you could have met your match.

As you can see, there is no real science to choosing the perfect crystal, however there are some universal crystals that you can use that are good for almost anyone. These crystals will vibe with most people and will help to deliver positive energy to your surroundings.

These three crystals are an excellent place to start if you are building your collection or if you are struggling to find that crystal that will change your life.

These three crystals are:

Clear Quartz



1. Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a must have for anyone interested in working with crystals because it works as a great overall cleanser and amplifier of energy. Clear Quartz is a “Universal Healer” as it can be used for almost any type of healing, on any chakra, for spiritual advancement or for cleansing your aura or surroundings. Just like its colour, Clear Quartz is pure and does not require a lot of cleansing or charging on a regular basis. It can also be used to charge and cleanse other crystals.

By gazing into the purity of the Clear Quartz you may also be able to access the inner dimension of your mind and receive information on the future. Clear Quartz is also believed to strengthen the connection between Earth and the heavens, which is why Clear Quartz is often used to make crystal balls. Clear Quartz can also be used to enhance your dreams, help you to channel psychic energy and can reduce radiation exposure from technology. It can also help aid creating harmonious relationships and environments and can bring you clarity. To use Clear Quartz, either keep a piece near your bed, work desk or TV/Computer. You can also wear Clear Quartz as a pendant or carry a stone in your pocket

2. Amethyst

Amethyst is a powerful stone of protection that can also be used to enhance psychic awareness and promote balance and peace. Amethyst is an excellent all-purpose stone when it comes to spiritual advancement and can help you to enhance your intuition and psychic awareness, protect against negative energy or psychic attacks and you take your meditation practice to a deeper level.

Amethyst can also be used to help promote abundance, ease of money issues, for lucid dreaming, for enhancing telepathy, for protection while travelling, for past life regression work and for healing grief and sadness. Amethyst is a very easy stone to charge but does require cleansing is used for psychic protection. To use Amethyst, keep a piece near your bed or under your pillow or wear it in a piece of jewellery.

3. Selenite

Selenite is a beautiful and gentle stone that is perfect for almost anyone. It helps to promote mental clarity, can help to cleanse your surroundings and can enhance the connection between you and your angels or spirit guides. Selenite is also said to help promote good business practices and honesty in all types of relationships. In fact, keeping Selenite around during business negotiations can help to ensure a fair deal for everyone.

Selenite is associated with the Moon and can be a very powerful stone to use in manifestation rituals when the Moon is either full or new. When charged up by the power of the Moon, Selenite can help to clear energy blocks from your aura, your home and also from other crystals. Selenite is also the perfect stone to use when channelling your Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels. You can also use it to help evoke protection from your guides and angels.

Selenite also helps you to strengthen your intuition, psychic abilities and mediation practices. It is closely connected with the Crown, Third Eye and Sacral Chakras. Because Selenite is so pure and powerful, it rarely needs to be cleansed. How to Selenite, make it part of your crystal grid or keep it close to other crystals, place a piece by your bedside, at work or carry it in your pocket.

There are many crystals out there all with amazing properties and magical abilities, however Clear Quartz, Amethyst and Selenite are all easy to work with and vibrate with most people’s energy.

Other crystals to consider include, fluorite, moonstone, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, citrine, calcite, blue celestine, hematite and black tourmaline.

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