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Writer's pictureLoren from Nuova Luna

Crystal Grids

Welcome to 2019 everyone, and thanks for checking into my first blog post of the year! Woo hoo! Today we’re going to talk about crystal grids. What are they? How to prep one? And why you would use one?

Let’s just get right into it then, shall we?

Grids consist of crystals placed in precise, geometric arrangements in order to affect the flow of energy for a specific purpose. The properties of the stones used, combined with their arrangement in a sacred geometric configuration, create a unique energy frequency that enhances your intention and helps manifest your desired result. Combining crystal energy with Sacred Geometry exponentially enhances the power of both: the sacred geometry of the formation expresses your intention in a clear and direct way, while the stones amplify this intention and send it out into the universe. A grid creates a powerful energy field, and every element of the process adds to this energetic “package.”

Getting Ready:

Intention: The most important aspect of creating a crystal grid is formulating your intention, and stating that intention in a clear and positive way. For example, it’s better to use a strong statement such as “This grid will help me focus positive energy on my family,” than to say something vague or negative. A well-formulated intention should focus on you, rather than attempting to subvert the will of other people. Write your intention down before getting to work on the grid.

Pattern: A favourite pattern for a crystal grid is some aspect of the Flower of Life, the fundamental spatial arrangement that Sacred Geometry tells us is the framework of our entire universe. The form known as the Seed of Life is especially good for grids, because it represents all possible beginnings and all possible paths — a gateway to infinite possibility. Other shapes have their own sacred meanings: the stable square, the infinite circle or lemniscate, the energy-enhancing Metatron’s cube, the compass rose, tree of life.

Material underlying the grid: The physical material underlying the grid has meaning as well. A wooden grid contains living energy, whereas a cloth grid can add a touch of colour magic. You can put your grid on glass or a mirror to further spread its energy, or lay your stones directly on the floor or ground to bond with the Earth’s own energy field.

Crystals: Most grids use a single crystal as the central stone (sometimes called the anchor stone), and one or more sets of compatible stones to surround it, often in multiples of six. I strongly urge you to use your intuition in building your grid, especially when it comes to selecting crystals. Just be conscious of looking for crystals whose energies “mesh” and resonate with the grid’s purpose.

One excellent way (though by no means the only way) to choose your crystals is to find:

– A central stone that complements your intention and is a strong energy channel

– A set of primary stones you have chosen intuitively while remaining mindful of your purpose; these should support the energy of the anchor stone and further define your intention for your grid

– A set of secondary stones chosen by some other intuitive means, such as with a pendulum or dowsing rods, or with the aid of an intuitive reader or other helper

Optional: You may also surround the grid with a circle of clear quartz points to enhance its energy. And if you’re using it to charge some other item, such as a magical tool or piece of jewellery, that item will usually go at the centre of the grid. You can even use a large space such as a room as the perimeter of your grid, focusing the energy on the people who live or work there.

Activation: Activating the grid along its lines is an important step. You may channel energy for this through your hand, or use a crystal or wooden wand. This too is part of the energy “package” associated with the grid, so choose something that meshes with the whole.

Placement: The place it is set up will be a sacred space, so choose carefully. The amount of time needed to achieve the grid’s purpose will also be a factor.

Setting Up the Grid

Once you have the materials at hand, you’re ready to set up the grid. You’ve already thought everything out beforehand, so this setup should be a smooth and joyful process. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Cleanse everything. Whatever method you usually use for cleansing crystals will work fine for the other materials as well.

2. Set the board up, keeping your intention in mind.

3. Speak your intention. You may also add a few words of prayer or invocation, according to your faith, but it’s a good idea to keep it simple.

4. Lay out the stones. It’s usual to start in the centre and work your way out. But the most important thing is to remain mindful.

5. Activate the grid by tracing its lines. If you know the technique of focusing light energy through your body through your palm, this works very well. You can use a finger to do the same thing, or some type of wand. Start with the centre stone, then go stone to stone, clockwise usually. Remain mindful of your intention. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can sing or chant your intention.

The grid is now ready. You can use your grid for meditation or simply keep it somewhere to remind you of the intention, or lay it out under your bed.

Cleansing and recharging: If the grid is to stay up for a long time, you should make sure it stays physically and energetically clean, and recharge it about once a month.

When you’re done with the grid: It’s also good to use a theme sheet, which can be something as simple as a print-out of a flower of life, to record the pattern used, along with the intention. By keeping this after you take down the grid, you’ll have a way to remember that this tool helped you and was part of your life.

That’s it! Simple right? You just need to focus on the energy you want to manifest into your life and the crystals will do their own thing and work with you.

Just because you stuck around, if you become apart of my tribe and join my mailing list you can download your FREE crystal grid to work with straight away.

There is so much information out there that will help you understand crystal grids more. If you have any questions though, send me an email or slide into my DMs on Instagram. I’d be more than happy to chat about it.

Have a fantastic Monday everyone. See you all soon.


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