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Writer's pictureLoren from Nuova Luna

Divination: The Basics

Welcome friends. It is the last Monday for the month. I can’t believe how fast that flew by. Thanks for sticking with me this far, it has been great getting to know some new people.

Today on my Instagram, I spoke about divination. Tarot/oracle, to be more specific. Let’s start by first breaking it down. What’s divination?

It’s about tapping into hidden knowledge by some form of magic in order to discover information about the nature and condition of things. Other names it can go by are, fortune telling, prophecy, prediction, clairvoyance, second sight and soothsaying.

The purpose of any sort of divination is to gain insight and influence decision making. Divination is a key practice in both modern and ancient witchcraft. Throughout many historic societies, oracles and seers that practiced divination were highly regarded by rulers and the community. The Aztecs, Greeks, Romans and the Ancient Chinese are just a few examples of societies that relied heavily on magical predictions.

Divination continues to evolve with society. New age magic reflects the modern lifestyle with techniques like the use of stargazing, scrying on digital screens, tarot cards, etc.

Let’s narrow it down, and talk tarot. It’s a really basic post today. In the future if you’re all keen (if so, leave a comment below) I’ll dive into the deck and talk about the cards.


* Cleanse your deck after you buy it! This is so important, because you want to star working with new, and clean energy.

* There are thousands of ways to cleanse your deck. Cleansing can be something super simple, as just knocking on your deck 3 times or placing a crystal on top of the deck. Just do whatever feels right for you

* Interview your deck! After you buy new cards, talk to them, ask them questions and figure out the decks personality. There are a lot of fun spreads for this. Let me know if you needed help with looking for one.

* Sleep with your deck Another good way to bond with your deck is sleeping with it near you. Just put it under your pillow or somewhere close to you over night.

* You don’t have to read reversals It’s up to you if you decide to turn the card back around. Again, do what feels right for you.

* Reversals don’t always equal opposites If you decide to read reversals, remember that it can have completely different meanings then just being opposite of the upright position.

* Start Simple We all like to get carried away! Start out with something simple like past/present/future spread. It’s super east and gives you clarity on any situation.

* Spend time looking at the picture When you pull a card, really spend time observing at all the different colours and symbols before you look up the meaning. Learn the card and what it means to you.

* Jumping cards usually have something important to say If you’re shuffling your deck and a card jumps out, look up what it means and what message it has for you. This has happened to be on almost every occasion.

* Pull a daily card, each morning. This is super fun and easy. You definitely don’t need to do this everyday. But it’s a good way to memorise the cards and their meanings.

And finally…

Practice, practice, practice!!

It’s going to take a while until you remember all the meanings, but just have fun and enjoy the process.

Let’s get personal.

I’m going to give you a super intense, personal moment for me when I did my cards almost weekly between June 2016 - September 2016.

It was a time where I was really starting to find who I was, and what I really had an interest it. What it was that I was being drawn to. I had always had a deck of cards, and I’d always muck around with them (Link here) and ask them stupid questions. But between this time period it was different, I needed answers so I asked.

I had been given the diagnoses from my doctor that I has PCOS, and during this time Josh and I we’re trying to get pregnant. It wasn’t working, I was getting frustrated and kind of losing hope (At this point, it had been a year of trying - without anyone knowing) - So, I’d do my cards, and I would almost ALWAYS, ALWAYS get the same bloody cards. I asked

“What can I expect from the next six months” Here’s what I got..

‘Whom do you need to forgive?’





I’d get the occasional ‘Patience please’ and ‘Everything’s ok’

Soooo, you can see why I my thoughts would have been swayed a particular way. Right? Well, none of this happened. I am still not a mum. However, I do understand that everything happens within it’s time and for a reason.

Some alternative messages for these cards. You ready?

“Focus on the present, not the past”

“You’re about to experience a big change in your life”

“Another person’s son, needs your help right now”

“You will hear from or about a parent”

“Answers will come, in spring”

“The energy of pregnancy surrounds you”

You can see perhaps why I got excited?

Now that I look back, I feel that it was trying to tell me something completely different. I see a different message there now.

In October 2016, I found out my dad had leukaemia. Literally everything else I had going on was no longer important and my focus was obviously my dad. I think now that I understand the cards more, it was trying to tell me about my dad. The energy of pregnancy has so many possibilities, the idea of being ‘reborn’ perhaps? You see where I am going with this.

Anyway, long story short. I’ve learnt to never take the cards so literal and what I WANT them to say. Instead, listen to them, understand them and hear what they are trying to tell you, and what you NEED to hear.

I’d love to hear any personal experiences from you all.

Leave a comment below. Also, if you subscribe to my tribe today you’ll be sent out all of January’s FREEBIES! Woo Hoo.

Speak soon friends.


Ps. I started a Youtube. I'd be forever grateful if you subscribed.

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