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Writer's pictureLoren from Nuova Luna


Grounding is something that is harder to explain than being simply a metaphysical need to tether one’s mind and/or soul to their physical plane of existence. That is one of two components to what this essential function actually is. The two components of grounding are Spiritual/Mental and Physical. Grounding itself is basically aligning oneself with the energetic core of the terrestrial planet we live on. It brings your body’s physical energy and by default your Essence or Spirit Energy into harmony with the planet’s physical energy and allows you to resonate together and create an equilibrium.

Your Spirit, Essence, or Soul energy is the same energy that runs the electrical pulses within your body, so when you need to balance your physical body, you are also balancing your Soul’s energy as well. That does not tie your Soul’s energy exclusively to your body’s physical stamina or energy, as they can be mutually exclusive. Remember, the Soul is much, much larger than the physical body we are here with. Your body could not withstand all of the energy one Soul contains at any one time naturally. If your body is run down or has trouble, your Soul’s energy is not to blame. Your Soul is not smaller or weaker than another’s, nor do you have less access to it. The two are mutually exclusive. You can ground them together or separately, and you can use different methods for them.

Physically grounding the body has to be done with skin contact to the Earth’s surface or a conductive surface that resonates on the same energetic wavelength as Earth’s surface. The Soul/Mind can be grounded anywhere using a variety of methods or using the Earth’s surface as well. The two types of grounding are discussed a bit more below:

The first component I want to discuss is the Physical necessity of grounding, because this is a basic need that all who dwell upon this planet have in common. Plants, animals, and humans all share the need to ground, and this is something that has no root in metaphysics or magic, this is purely biological. No imagery techniques are needed for this, all that is required is skin to ground contact with the Earth. Plants and animals all naturally partake of this gift our Planet offers up to us freely.

The body naturally runs on a series of electrical pulses, and these pulses power every function and organ in our bodies. This is true for all organisms, so in essence, this is literally the spark of life. We are charged beings that run on electricity, not unlike the objects we use in our day to day lives. Think about this - in the wild rarely is it heard of that our fellow creatures fall victim to the same rash of ills that we do. How often do we switch on our programs and hear of clans of animals bogged down in rashes of chronic pains and disease? Of heart attacks and joint inflammation or arthritis? Quite simply, they are generally healthy! Their bodies are in better balance, and they are more resilient to the ailments that run rampant in our population.

The same is true in groups that spend more of their time barefoot, or sleep on the ground more. People that spend more time out with skin to Earth contact in more quantity have less inclination to chronic pain and generally better physical functionality. This is because of the electrical current that runs naturally on the Earth’s surface. It grounds the body’s charges and restores balance in the body physically. Our modern advancements such as shoes and false floors, and insulated living have created a massive disconnect that have allowed us to fall out of balance. This can lead to these inflammatory conditions, and you do not have to take my word for this alone.

As to the Spiritual/Mental properties of grounding, this is where the visualisation can be more of an optional thing, and where methods can get more varied. There is no doubt that this is a necessary and very useful tool for anyone, regardless of if you are casting spells, communing with the Spirits, walking between worlds, or just someone who has trouble keeping your head in this space of reality, but there is some variance on exactly when and how this is to be done. There is no right or wrong method when it comes to grounding, there is just what feels right, when feels right, and what works for you as an individual.

The idea behind grounding for mental reasons is to help maintain balance between your life here and your life in another headspace. Your reasons for being in another headspace are not what is important. It can be for stress relief, for spiritual workings, for fun, but what matters is how you get back, and how you make it safe. Sometimes when we have an ability to do such a thing, we don’t necessarily always have the degree of control over it we would like. Sometimes we float off at inconvenient times, or have trouble getting back even when it was intentional, and grounding helps to control or alleviate that.

Method is not important, as I stated before, so do not get so caught up in if you are doing this right or wrong. All that matters is that it works and it makes you feel comfortable and back in your body and back on solid ground - this planet’s solid ground, to be precise. Some people use rooting techniques from various parts of their bodies, rooting deep into the Earth to reconnect. Some people simply breathe into their space, and weigh themselves back down, firmly planting back until they feel themselves ‘fill’ back in completely. Some people use an object, and press or rub it, using the physical stimulation to bring themselves back. Some will use a combination of methods, and may even use vocal toning and some physical rotations to bring themselves back as well. The method is not what really matters, so long as it works.

Please note that nothing here is intended to treat, cure, or replace any conventional treatments or preventative measures for any conditions, be it physical or mental. The methods given are always best advised to be used in conjunction with modern medicine and/or psychology where applicable, never in place of or against it. There is no shame in getting help where it is needed.

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