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Writer's pictureLoren from Nuova Luna

Moon Cycles

Let’s be honest, majority of women suffer greatly during their moon cycle. I literally used to call it “shark week” – use your imagination as to why! If you’re like me, i’m never in sync with the moon. My body decided that it would take over and have it’s own life and do what it wants, when it wants. That’s PCOS for you.

I know so many women that dread this time of their cycle, hell, even I dread it! I figured though, if we really wanted to connect to the magic of the moon, then we need to believe in her magic to begin with!

During this time, we become so in touch with our inner self and our intuition. It’s a time where we should honour ourself, take the time to slow down and appreciate and love ourself. Sounds simple in theory! I get it, us ladies, we’re always go! go! go! I know I am anyway. Not always a bad thing of course, but it means we sometimes forget who is the most important, you.

So how do we become re-centred with ourselves? What tools can we use to get us through this otherwise emotional time?

Lot’s of medication, and crying in a ball? Or take a holistic approach? I know what I choose..

**Note** I am in no way a doctor of any sort. If you need to be taking medication for any reason or think you need to be then please consult your doctor before you do anything to your body.

Let’s start with some plant magic! How to nurture our inner goddess. My top 5 oils for my moon cycle.

1. Clary Calm – Floral, Herbal, Coniferous

This magical blend is so amazing! This goddess just rolls right over your lower abdomen when you start to cramp! Saves you having to reach for the pills. It’s not only great for the cramping but it balances out ur hormones and emotions.What exactly is Clary Calm? Clary Sage, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Cedarwood, Geranium, Fennel Seed, Carrot Seed, Palmarosa, and Vitex leaf/berry.

2. Geranium – Herbaceous, Green, Floral, Sweet, Dry

Feminine hormone balancing oil. Geranium is also a stress relieving oil and very anti-inflammatory. Geranium has been used to promote the appearance of clear skin and healthy hair—making it ideal for skin and hair care products. It also helps calm nerves and lessen feelings of stress. Why not make your skin and hair feel and smell great during this time, it’ll certainly make you feel better. Like putting on make-up and chillin’ at home, just because.

3. Ice Blue – Minty, Camphoraceous

If you’re like me, then you get crazy back pain with your abdominal cramps! If that’s the case, then the Ice Blue Roll On is for you, this is already diluted so it’s ready for you to massage into your lower back. I used to go through Deep Heat like you wouldn’t believe. I am actually one of those weirdos that LOVE the smell of deep heat, so the fact that one of the prominent ingredients of Ice Blue is Wintergreen (the deep heat smell) – ahh, I fell in love with it. So I don’t mind it smeared on my back at all. It contains an essential oil blend of Wintergeen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus.

4. Lavender Peace – Warm, Floral, Herbal

Ah, Lavender. Such a beautiful lady. This perfectly balanced, tranquil blend can be felt immediately, transporting the user to a state of blissful repose. This blend combines essential oils renowned for their ability to lessen feelings of tension and calm emotions, and support a restful sleep when used aromatically. Great for your abdominal cramps! Plus, lavender is really great for headaches too.

Lavender Peace is a great little mix of Lavender Flower, Cedarwood, Ho Wood Leaf, Ylang Ylang Flower, Marjoram Leaf, Roman Chamomile Flower, Vetiver Root, Vanilla Bean Absolute, Hawaiian Sandalwood Wood

5. Balance – Airy, Fresh, Sweet, Woody

I’ve spoken about this oil before – It is personally one of my favourites. The name literally says it all. BALANCE. It grounds the soul, and centres your emotions; it keeps you stable. This blend is said to bring harmony to the mind and body and offers an enticing fragrance that promotes tranquility and relaxation. Balance is a cool blend of Spruce Leaf, Ho Wood Leaf, Frankincense Resin, Blue Tansy Flower, Blue Chamomile Flower, and Osmanthus Flower essential oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil.

Now, let’s talk about crystals! Beautiful, shiny, sparkly, magical crystals.

Top 5 crystals that I personally use.

1. Citrine

Citrine is a gemstone of light, happiness and abundance. It is one of the most powerful crystals that represents abundance. Citrine is known to balance hormones and alleviates fatigue. If you’re feeling down during your cycle, citrine is definitely a stone that will be uplifting to your mood.

2. Moonstone

Isn’t this an obvious one? This is the stone of ‘new beginnings’ As it’s name suggests, it is strongly connected to the moon and your intuition. Like the moon, the stone is reflective and reminds us that, as the moon waxes and wanes, so everything is part of a cycle of change. Its most powerful effect is that of calming emotions. It eliminates fluid retention, Soothes PMS and is said to help regulate your cycles. Keep one of these on your nightstand.

3. Rose Quartz

It’s all about self-love! This is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the most important crystal for the heart. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels and brings deep inner healing and self-love. It is calming, reassuring and excellent for use during your moon cycles.

4. Labradorite

Love, compassion, balance – just a few key words for this gorgeous stone. It balances hormonal fluctuation, and relieves tension and irritability. It helps to purify your energy and connect you with the energy of light. It clears and opens all your chakras, ahh, good-bye toxins. This one is one to keep anywhere on your body.

5. Amethyst

Honestly, who doesn’t love amethyst? It’s just gorgeous on so many levels. This crystal boosts production of hormones, eases tension, and reduces bloating. This stone is extremely powerful, and protective with a high spiritual vibration. It is so beneficial to the mind, calming or stimulating, mundane into tranquility and deeper understanding. Mentally, it helps you feel less scattered and more focussed. Amethyst balances our highs and lows, and promotes emotional healing.

We made it! We got through the moon cycle conversation! Hopefully ladies just by reading about a holistic approach to “shark week” *hehe* you already feel better about it.

If you want to get started with oils, then click here! If you're not too sure yet and you want to trial some oils first - head over to my mailing list, join and then once you've don'e that let me know & some free oils will be on their way to you!

Did you want to learn more about future sabbats, crystals, essential oils and much more? Keep an eye out on my blog. A great way to be the first to know something and to get exclusive deals to my store + future classes. Join my mailing list. If you connect with me you get 20% off your first order and a free guide to how to cleanse your crystals.


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