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Writer's pictureLoren from Nuova Luna

The Spiritual Significance of 12/12

On the 12th day of the 12th month of the year, a powerful numerology code is activated helping to raise the frequency of our light body, access high realms of consciousness, and bring a sense of completion to a greater cycle.

12 is a powerful number in numerology that represents wholeness and completion. We have 12 months in the year, and 12 signs in the zodiac, and it is only once we have experienced all twelve of these states, that we can gain a bigger picture perspective and understanding as to where we have been.

“Sometimes, it is only when we reach the end of a cycle, that we can really begin to understand the journey”

The awareness of the bigger picture and this sense of completion is the energy that number 12 holds, but on the 12th day of the 12th month, this energy magnifies.

While we can understand things from our vantage point on this earthly realm, the numerology code of 1212 gives us the opportunity to see things from an even greater perspective and level of consciousness.

To do this, the numerology code of 1212 helps to activate and raise the frequency of our light body or energy field.

We all have a light body or a field of energy that exists around us. Our light body has many different layers to it, but once activated, our light body allows us to travel across dimensions and into higher realms of consciousness and awareness.

Our light body is also believed to be the vehicle that helps us return back to our true home and to Source energy.

This light body vehicle is also known as a Merkaba (Merkaba (also spelled Merkabah) is our “light spirit body” and is an energetic field that surrounds us when we are tapped in to a higher state of consciousness. This energetic field forms the shape of a star tetrahedron and it is believed that this formation of energy allows our light body to travel to higher dimensions.) and is seen as two inverted pyramids that spin in opposite directions.

On 12/12, we can activate our own personal Merkaba with more ease, and we can use this energy to view the events of our lives from a higher state of awareness. This higher state of awareness is essentially the ability to see all things through the eyes of love.

Pure unconditional love. Big magic love.

When we break down every pain and struggle, it can always be linked back to a lack of love. When we see this, we know that the answer to all our problems and struggles is just more love. Love for others, love for self. The answer can always be traced back to more love.

We can hear this and understand that love surrounds us and flows within us and seeps through everything and everyone, but to actually feel it helps to make it real and helps us to know the truth of what lives within.

Feeling this level of love is something that can only be achieved in fleeting moments, as it is not always part of the earthly experience. We can achieve this state momentarily through meditation, finding our joy, surrounding ourselves with those we love, being in nature, and practicing gratitude.

It is in these moments that we can tap into the river of unconditional love that flows through us all, and makes up the entire energetic framework of the Universe around us.

On 12/12, it is easier for us to access and reach this space, so on this day, spend time meditating, journaling, tuning into your heart, and practicing self-love. Visualise your energy field around you, and see if you can expand it, tap into it, and use it to travel to higher dimensions.

Pay attention to your dreams on 12/12 as well, as they are likely to be more prophetic or contain information from the deeper parts of your soul.

To help with this, perhaps say a little prayer or set an intention as you sleep, and see if that helps you to travel across time and space in your dreams to gain knowledge, wisdom, and feel into the love.

1212 unlocks an incredibly potent energy, so tune in and use the day to your advantage. Feel in to what is right for you, and stay open to any signs and messages you may receive.

1212 Meditation Exercise:

1.) Lay down flat on the floor or sit upright in lotus position.

2.) Close your eyes and take 12 deep breaths to settle your mind.

3.) Visualize the top half of your body (from your knees up) surrounded in the light of a beautiful pyramid. See that pyramid reaching up into the heavens and connecting your body with the higher realms.

4.) Once that visual is strong in your mind, visualize another pyramid on the lower half of your body pointing down towards mother earth. Visualize the light of this pyramid surrounding the lower half of your body and connecting you to the planet.

5.) Once this pyramid visual is strong, sit with it for 12 breaths.

6.) When ready, imagine the top pyramid slowing starting to spin in a clockwise direction and the bottom pyramid slowly starting to spin in a counter-clockwise direction.

7.) Keep this visual going and just observe any feelings or sensations that arise in your body. Stay here for 21 breaths or for as long as you feel is necessary.

8.) When ready to close the meditation, stop the pyramids from spinning and see the light of the pyramids getting smaller and moving closer into your body until your body completely absorbs the light.

9.) Take 12 deep breaths here and begin gently wiggling your toes and fingers.

10.) Once you are ready, stand up and shake out your body. Drink a glass of water to help cleanse and balance your energy out.

Happy 12/12!

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