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Writer's pictureLoren from Nuova Luna

Top 5 Magical Herbs

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A few people have asked for this post and I have been working on it for quite some time now. I want to talk to you today about the magic of herbs. I’m not going to talk about any obscure herbs today, all easy to come by herbs that you can literally walk into Woolworths to grab.

I’d love to talk you through today the following things;

- Top 5 herbs for beginners

- How to dry your herbs

- Every day plant magic

- Garden Tips

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Ok! Let’s get going. Top 10 magical herbs and all their wonderful properties.

First up, we have the beautiful basil.

Basil (Ocimum. Basilicum) is a masculine plant, it is often referred to as the “witches herb”. It has many magical correspondences such as courage, creativity, divination, health, love, luck, money and travel! Basils’ planet alignment is Mars therefore it’s element is fire! It’s a natural remedy for colds, fevers, muscle spasms, and indigestion. Basil protects again theft and insanity and heals anger, fear, grief and stress. It also brings good luck into a new home. Perfect house warming gift actually!

A few things to note with Basil. It THRIVES in a hot, dry climate, try not to over water it otherwise it’s leaves turn yellow. When picking basil pick off the lower more mature leaves and go up from there. Planting basil with lettuce and tomatoes works in perfect synergy.

Magical note:

- Keep a basil leaf in your wallet to bring in money

- Infuse water with basil and sprinkle over the door of your business to attract customers

- Use in peace-making spells after an argument

Rosemary (Rosemarinus Officinalis) is another masculine plant, it’s alignment is with the sun and it’s element is also fire. Rosemary's’ magical correspondences are cleansing, concentration, love, memory, protection and sleep. Rosemary comes with really strong powers for protection and healing, when burned emits a powerful, cleansing and purifying vibration so it is smouldered to rid a place of negativity. It is a natural remedy for headaches, hair loss, indigestion, high blood sugar, and weak immune system.

Some growing notes with Rosemary, it thrives in warm to cool climates and loves with the soil is dry therefore is drought tolerant. Plant with beans, carrots, cabbage or sage.

Magical note:

- Wear while reading or studying to help retain information

- Add to a smudge stick for a purifying boost

- Place under the pillow to ensure a good nights sleep and drive away nightmares.

Lavender (Lavendula Officinale) another beautifully masculine plant, aligning with Mercury and it’s element is air. Magical correspondences for Lavender is calming, clarity, harmony, love, meditation, psychic ability, silence, sleep and peace. It is a wonderful remedy for anxiety, insomnia, stress, headaches and fatigue and protects against nightmares. Lavender has long been used in love spells and sachets, placed in draws or pinned to clothing is said to attract love.

Growing notes for Lavender, you’ll need to plant Lav in dry, sandy or gravelly soil (Gravel for humid areas as it prevents root rot) Keep well-drained in a sunny spot and keep out of cold weather. Water when the topmost layer of the soil is dry.

Magical Note:

- Add to tea at night to have a peaceful sleep

- Add lavender essential oil to mop water and wash the floors with it to protect the home

- Can be used for wish divination: Place lavender under your pillow while thinking of your wish. Do this just prior to retiring for the night. In the morning if you have dreamt of anything relating to your wish, it will come true. However if you did not have dreams or they were unconnected with your wish then it will not manifest.

Mint (Mentha) Named after the Greek nymph that tried to seduce Hades and was turned into this sweet-smelling herb by Queen Persephone. It is another masculine plant, that also aligns with Mercury and it’s element is also air. Magical correspondences are happiness, healing, love, lucky, money, travel, vitality, prosperity, mental ability and protection. It heals miscommunication and lethargy and protects against evil and accidents. Mint is a natural remedy for stomach aches, chest pains, nausea, headaches, toothaches, indigestion and fatigue.

Growing notes for mint, grows best in wet environments and wet soil, the roots spread quickly so ensure to plant separately from other plants. Use harvested leaves immediately or dry and store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

Magical Note:

- Boil mint leaves and rinse your hair with water to increase mental activity

- Put mint leaves in your shoes to protect against curses

- Mint worn at the wrist assures that you will not be ill and stomach problems can be alleviated by stuffing a green poppet with mint and anointing it with healing oils.

Bay (Laurus Nobilis) yet another masculine plant, ruled by the sun and has fire as it’s element. Magical correspondences for bay are protections, psychic powers, healing, purification, and strength. Bay leaves are used in clairvoyance and wisdom brews. The ancient priestesses of Apollo chewed bay leaves to induce a prophetic state, and also inhaled their fumes. Bay leaves are also used as decorations at yule.

Growing notes for Bay Leaf, they don’t like hard winters! Prefers sun or part shade, which is ideal.

Magical note:

- To ward off negativity and evil, you can wear Bay as an amulet or placed in the windows to protection

- Hang up bay leaves to prevent poltergeists from working any mischief in the house.

- Bay leaves mixed with sandalwood can be burned to remove curses and evil spells.

Phew! We got through the top 5 magical herbs!

Let’s talk about some every day plant magick for a second. There are a few different ways you can encourage your plants to grow and thrive and magical ways closet witches can use herbs every day.

You can:

- Draw sigils on your pots

- Water your plants with moon water

- Place crystals in the pot to charge the soil

- Fertilize with egg shells for protection

- Talk or sing to them

- Place on window sill with moonlight

- Play soft music for them

- Avoid harmful chemicals and sprays

Below is sigil straight from my Book of Shadows you could use to paint on your pots to start out.

“This plant shall grow strong and vibrant”

Lastly, let’s go into how to dry your herbs properly!

The key really is Location! Location! Location! Dark and dry is what it’s all about is let’s be honest you’ll need PATIENCE. They need to be FULLY dry.

- Harvest herbs just before they flower, remove damaged or bruised leaves

- Tie a rubber band around the stems, with leaves facing the direction

- Tie a paper bag around the bundle

- Hang the bag somewhere dry - the bag will catch any seeds

- Leave to dry somewhere dark and with any moisture

- Leave anywhere from 5 days to a month. It really depends on the herb

- Hers are dried when they are crisp to the touch. Absolutely no moisture.

That’s it folks! That’s so much for sticking around. I’d love to write a little more about other herbs you can use. I’d love to talk about sage, thyme, chamomile, and a few other little beauties. Are are your thoughts about that? Would you be keen to know a little more about other herbs?

Just for sticking around today you guys, I really appreciate it. Have you gotten this far and are now like ‘Loz, where the heck is my gift?’ … have you become apart of the Nuova Luna tribe yet? You’ll receive an email as soon as you do with a special code for 20% off my store AND a free download on how to cleanse your crystals. Yass!!

See you next Monday, friends.


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